
James Mason from Granby High School

Meredith Murphy from Great Bridge High School




The goal of this scholarship, granted by the Hampton Roads Rowing Club is to provide assistance to High School rowers or coxswains who want to pursue competitive rowing in college. HRRC is proud to offer one male and one female $1,000 College Scholarship to Tidewater area graduating high school seniors who currently participate in crew and plan to continue to row or cox in college. This scholarship is easy to apply for! Just complete the online application. When completed it will be emailed to the selection committee and you will received a confirmation that it has been received. The deadline for 2011 scholarships is March 8th 2010.

Here is how it works:

Entrants must meet the following requirements:

  • Must be enrolled in high school as a senior during the 2009-2010 school year
  • Must participate with a crew team recognized by the Eastern Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association(EVSRA) for at least one full season (The current spring season does count)
  • Must submit a letter of recommendation from high school rowing coach. An email to is acceptable
  • Must plan to row with an NCAA or a Club Based Rowing Program the following year.

Citizenship and Residency:

You are not required to be a US citizen or a US resident in order to be eligible to apply for this scholarship.

The Fine Print:

  • By submitting your application to HRRC, you agree that HRRC has the right to use your name and town or city if you are the recipient of the scholarship in any future promotional material.
  • All contact information submitted as part of this scholarship will be held in the strictest confidence, and will not be sold to any third party.
  • The recipient will be notified by the end of May. The recipient has 2 days to contact HRRC once they have been notified of their win. Winners who do not contact HRRC within the allotted time will be removed, and a runner-up will be contacted.
  • HRRC reserves the right to deny the dispersal of the scholarship prize if the winner is found to have applied with fraudulent contact information, or any type or level of plagiarism whatsoever.
  • The Scholarship check will be sent directly to the recipient after they have been accepted to the college or university they plan to attend. The recipient must sign an agreement that the money will only be used for college tuition fees, books, or room & board (only if living on campus).
  • Due to NCAA Rules, acceptance of this scholarship may reduce any athletic based award by your intended University by the same amount.

For more information email scholarships.

Online application (coming soon for 2012)