Victoria Bourne

One of the forces behind our Instagram and Facebook presence, Victoria is always documenting club activities and practices. She’s a former Learn to Row graduate and we’re so grateful to have her voice on the board. As an added bonus, if you are ever in need of local brewery recommendations, Victoria is your person.
Victoria at a glance
Do you prefer to sweep, scull, or either?
I primarily sweep but I enjoy sculling when I get the opportunity.
What made you interested in rowing?
My interest was first piqued in college, but I couldn’t commit to the early morning practices. Many years later, my interest in the sport returned when I was looking for a new activity to try. I credit then Cox High School rowing coach Bill Evans for getting me started. After interviewing him for a story in the local paper, he invited me to learn the basics of sculling in his teeny, tiny, tippy racing shell. It was great fun, albeit exhausting, and gave me the confidence to pursue Learn to Row with HRRC.
What is one of the things you enjoy about HRRC?
The camaraderie of my crew and this club.