Learn to Row Session 5

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

A class consists of six, 2 hour lessons over a 2 week period. The first 2 lessons will familiarize you with the different phases of the rowing stroke. Once comfortable, you will quickly move to rowing in a boat on the water. You’ll be taught rowing terminology and boat handling. There will be 1 coach […]


Learn to Row Session 6

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

A class consists of six, 2 hour lessons over a 2 week period. The first 2 lessons will familiarize you with the different phases of the rowing stroke. Once comfortable, you will quickly move to rowing in a boat on the water. You’ll be taught rowing terminology and boat handling. There will be 1 coach […]


Learn to Row Session 7

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

A class consists of six, 2 hour lessons over a 2 week period. The first 2 lessons will familiarize you with the different phases of the rowing stroke. Once comfortable, you will quickly move to rowing in a boat on the water. You’ll be taught rowing terminology and boat handling. There will be 1 coach […]


Learn to Row Session 2

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

A class consists of six, 2 hour lessons over a 2 week period. The first 1-2 lessons will familiarize you the equipment and the different phases of the rowing stroke. Once comfortable, you will quickly move to rowing in a boat on the water. You’ll be taught rowing terminology and boat handling.  Initially, you will […]


Learn to Row Session 3

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

A class consists of six, 2 hour lessons over a 2 week period. The first 1-2 lessons will familiarize you the equipment and the different phases of the rowing stroke. Once comfortable, you will quickly move to rowing in a boat on the water. You’ll be taught rowing terminology and boat handling.  Initially, you will […]


Learn to Row Session 2B

Learn to Row is returning this sprint and summer! Initially the class will teach you to scull (2 oars), but will also give you a taste of sweep (1 oar). There will be a coach in a safety launch with you at all times, so you will have someone nearby to work with you. The […]


Learn to Row Session 1

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

Learn to Row is returning this summer! Initially the class will teach you to scull (2 oars), but will also give you a taste of sweep (1 oar). There will be a coach in a safety launch with you at all times, so you will have someone nearby to work with you. The class includes […]


Learn to Row Session 2

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

Learn to Row is returning this summer! Initially the class will teach you to scull (2 oars), but will also give you a taste of sweep (1 oar). There will be a coach in a safety launch with you at all times, so you will have someone nearby to work with you. The class includes […]


Learn to Row Session 3

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

Learn to Row is returning this summer! Initially the class will teach you to scull (2 oars), but will also give you a taste of sweep (1 oar). There will be a coach in a safety launch with you at all times, so you will have someone nearby to work with you. The class includes […]


Learn to Row Session 4

HRRC Boathouse 1650 Willow Wood Dr, Norfolk, VA, United States

Learn to Row is returning this summer! Initially the class will teach you to scull (2 oars), but will also give you a taste of sweep (1 oar). There will be a coach in a safety launch with you at all times, so you will have someone nearby to work with you. The class includes […]
