About HRRC

HRRC tries to maintain modern rowing equipment. Most of the shared club boats are either Hudson or Vespoli and are less than 10 years old. We currently have 2 eights, 2 fours, 3 quads, 3 doubles, 1 pair, and 6 singles (4 racing and 2 recreational). These shells are for use by all members for both recreation and competition. There is currently a waiting list for personal storage space.

During the winter months, we try to get out on the water as much as possible but also hold morning and evening erg classes in the boathouse to maintain fitness. Access to the ergs is available year-round.

The club has approximately 100 rowers, made up of both scullers and sweep rowers. We are a diverse club, with rowers who have just learned to row and those who have been on the water for decades. The age range of our members also varies between younger rowers who join us during summer break from their school to those who first learned to row while in their sixties. We all enjoy the water and the camaraderie that is unique to rowing.